Abstract:While writing lyrics in a prose style, Xin Qiji used many techniques like narrative, description, comment, reasoning. Unlike proses which are totally free of rhyme, his lyrics still keep a precise rhyme. This indicates that these lyrics are combinations of poetic charms and prosaic fluencies. The changes and breakthroughs highlight his works.
房日晰. 也说辛弃疾“以文为词” ——从辛词题序中喜用“赋”字谈起[J]. 词学, 2012, 0(28): 53-62.
Fang Rixi. Rethinking “Writing Ci in Prose Style” --Starting from word “Fu” in prefaces of Xin Qiji’s lyrics. Ci Xue, 2012, 0(28): 53-62.